Saturday, April 29, 2006

Updates and Taste of new Podcast -The QuestCast Beta1

This show has some basic updates and, for those of you who asked to be notified when The QuestCast went live, slips in the first episode of my new podcast -The QUestCast.

Stay tuned for some exciting upcoming interviews --a pagan/christian dialogue, a facinating new author, and more!

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Exciting Announcements: and The QuestCast(beta) have launched

Well, I've hinted that some exciting news was coming soon --and now 2/5 are ready to announce (; I've finally had a big chunk of free time the past few days, which means I got to dive into some of the projects I've been wanting to do. First of all, I'd like to introduce you to -the launchpad for all my other projects, podcasts and other ventures.

If you normally go to, you've probably already been redirected (whether you liked it or not!) to, but fear not, if you want to come directly to this page you can always bookmark

The newest portal of wonderosity, as well as the most exciting and relevant to you podcast listeners, is the beta-launch of a new podcast: The Questcast. I won't say much more here, as you can find out more at the site, except to say that I think you will really like the idea and that it is totally unique and listener-interactive. (Note the re-Quest for beta-questers!)

Note: (and two of the portals from there) are built in protopage, which I personally think is cool, but I apologize to you Opera Browser users as you won't be able to view protopages til version 9.0

Let me know what you think of the new webpages and especially of the concept behind The QuestCast.


Sunday, April 09, 2006

Liberal Charismatics

Interesting how its hard to find Liberal charismatics or charismatic liberals. Liberal-minded folks tend to give so much credence to modernity that they poo-poo the supernatural realm. Charismatics tend to give so much credence to their experiences (as justified from certain 'proof texts' in the bible) that they poo-poo critical thinking and social justice, kingdom on earth, issues. I've gotta believe that these two dimensions can come together. (I know these are just words, and labels, but I think a good % of you know what I'm talking about.)I need, want, and fight to believe they can coexist. The best of blue and red, yeah? Can I hear an Amen?

Thursday, April 06, 2006

"The secret message of Jesus" -a raw and rambling reflection on Brian Mclaren's latest book

"Is it possible that the message of Jesus was less like an advertising slogan --obvious and loud --and more like a poem whose meaning only comes subtly and quietly to to those who read slowly, think long and deeply, and refuse to give up? I wondered. And I still wonder." -from Chapter 4

Not what I originally planned, but an appropriate review for a podcast, this show is my raw reflection from Seattle's Pyramid Alehouse on Brian Mclaren's latest book: The Secret Message of Jesus. Overall this is an excellent book, and if readers (of all colors) focus on living out Jesus' secret message more than dissecting and debating it --we're in for some exciting and transformative changes in this world. I will be posting more of my favorite quotes from this book in my next stay tuned...

"A shared reappraisal of Jesus's message could provide a unique space or common ground for urgently needed religious dialogue --and it doesn't seem an exaggeration to say that the future of our planet may depend on such dialogue" -from Chapter 1

-Congratulations to John & Kea Louviere!!!
-Book Review: The Secret Message of Jesus.
-Listener Emails (Sable Chicken, Brian Sage, Jon Hudson & David Williamson)
-Various Announcements, inlcuding:
New personal (friends & family related) podcast/blog: zinniazoo
New personal (audio experiments, musical, freedom to whatever the #@! I want) blog/podcast : leifomatic
-Shoutout to lifeonfire podcast: Thanks for playing my promo, stay open and keep seeking!

"If you are part of this kingdom, you won't slit Roman throats like the Zealots. Instead, if a Roman soldier backhands you with a blow to the right cheek, you'll turn the other in a kind of nonviolent resistance and transcendence. if a soldier forces you to carry his pack for one mile, you'll carry it a second mile as an expression of your own transcendent free will; you choose a higher option, one above either passive submission or active retaliation. If you are part of this kingdom, you won't curse and damn the notorious sinners and scoundrels to hell; instead, you'll interact with them gently and kindly, refusing to judge, even inviting them to your parties and treating them as neighbors --being less afraid of their polluting influence on you than you are hopeful about your possible healing and ennobling influence on them...." -from Chapter 2

Saturday, April 01, 2006

I'm finished with this whole thing

With my new promo that is (April Fools!). Couldn't resist.
I hope you enjoy this one minute promo, I think it gets at the heart of the show. And I'd really love if you would add the link to your blog or website, or play it on your podcast.

Hey, feeling really supportive today --its only 1 meg, send it as an email!

Don't forget your monthly vote at podcast alley (or in itunes, google, yahoo or whatever else you use!), if you do it NOW, new listeners will be more likely to find the show. Thanks!

Check out the new purple poll question in the sidebar (or take the whole poll.)

Thanks so much to Henry for referring me to Eric Folkerth's song "PurpleLand" (You can hear the whole song or buy his album at the above link)

"The Red and Blue map lies subtly,
When it's drawn in primary color.
Cause the truth's always shaded differently,
And it's never just one or the other.

And we all live in a Purple Land,
Every woman, child and man,
So don't get too proud. Don't misunderstand,
'Cause this great nation is just one big Purple Land."

(from Eric's lyrics)

Thanks to each of you for your friendship and support!